In my life they are 3 major pillars that the relationship temple is built on; these are love, trust and respect. Today I wish to speak about the one most of us have a problem with and that is the pillar of trust. Trust is a verb and when defined means to “rely on” or “believe in” as stated by the Collins Gem Dictionary and Thesaurus. Most of the time when we enter relationships, we never stop to consider that pillar of trust and most of the time end up being hurt because we never analyzed our partner to determine the amount of trust we can place in this person. Additionally, they are instances where we underestimate and we do not place enough trust in our partner, which too can cause major issues in your relationship. I have been very fortunate to be at the receiving end and the distributing end of the latter.
I was in relationship where the amount of trust I placed in my partner was to a level where I thought she would have been a female Jesus…faithful despite whatever happens. However, I later realized that she didn’t deserve that amount of trust if any at all and to this day I do not trust her as far as I can see Australia from Barbados with the naked eye. Yes, all the thought of being in a relationship with such a beautiful girl had me blinded and left me vulnerable…till I was hurt. With her I was the one and only…the one and only idiot who didn’t know that I was one of many.
It was because of this simple experience I began to analyze all my other relationships and ensure that my partners could be trusted. However, because of this experience I underestimated one of my partners and did not give her the complete trust she deserved. Nonetheless, I always had the belief that no one deserves complete trust as everyone is prone to mistakes.
In this relationship, our level of trust was high so much that we were very open and transparent about each others’ whereabouts and actions. However, on one occasion I had reason to doubt that openness and transparency because of a simple (and I use this term very loosely) mistake made by my partner. The fact I didn’t put enough trust almost cost me that relationship at a very early stage. Let’s just say that I will never make that mistake again in any relationship and I will ensure that I always ask a question before I make assumptions.
When it comes to trust, I find that men are the ones who are always underestimated as women believe all men are prone to cheat. However, this is not always the case as some men only cheat when they are being cheated on…somebody said “two can play that game!” Furthermore, men in my opinion are more trustworthy than women. No, I am not being a chauvinist or biased in my statements, rather I am giving the facts as they are presented before me. Take for instance my first scenario and really think about it. The truth is most females are willing to step out of their relationships just because they can hide it up better than men can…WOMEN are CATS!!! Funny enough males continue to get the shitty end of the stick because they are the ones who put a lot of trust in their women too. Of course, they are the few like me who don’t make this blatant and what I consider foolish mistake as soon as the relationship begins. However, I will confess that they are some really stupid men out there who don’t see the need to cherish the relationship they have with ONE woman. Then again, I blame those slovenly and most immoral women who know the man has another woman but insist on giving him the “pleasure” he WANTS by satisfying him in whatever way possible.
In conclusion, I would say however, that they are some women who you can place the utmost trust in and you will have the assurance they will honour it and the samecan be said about some men...but at the end of the day both men and women are to blame for the break down of trust in the relationship