Sunday, December 21, 2008



Ladies and Gentlemen, the year has been long and the times have been hard but we've made it thus far. This year for some of us started with lots of joy and laughter and is sadly ending the opposite way. For others, the year has been sad right through, while others had it happy all year. If you are like me, it had its ups and downs. However, one thing I must say is that through this year I have been able to meet amazing people like yourself who have made a difference whether for better or worse. Additionally, I must make special mention of a few people who I consider to be very "special" to me, even though I may not have told you so before...Schaniqua Riley, Adrian 'De Bubbla' Boyce, Jelissa Daniel, Shane Brathwaite, Cara Howard, Jamal Prescott, Tanya Clarke and the entire Humanities and Education Committee.

I also want to thank my permanent support team, Michelle Scantlebury, Paula Goodridge, Kirt Goodridge, Kirk Cozier, Shonelle Branker, the members of the Tree of Reasoning, Jamar Flemming, Cindy Meredith, Paul Forte, Quincy Yarde and Andre Layne.
Finally, I wish thank my best friend, who even though was miles away was always there when I needed him most, DWAYNE WORRELL.

So to ALL my friends, as we come to another Christmas and the end of another year I give to you from my heart to your home, from my notes to your profile, from my facebook to your inbox.....A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND GOD'S RICHEST BLESSINGS THROUGHOUT THE COMING YEAR!

May your sorrows be less, and your joys be more...let nothing but happiness come through your door!I love you all!!!!



If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay.

Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior. Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache. Stop trying to change yourselves for a relationship that's not meant to be.

Slower is better.

Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy. If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve then heck no, you can't 'be friends.' A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend. Don't settle. If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is. Don't stay because you think 'it will get better.' You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better.

The only person you can control in a relationship is you.

Avoid men who've got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women. He didn't marry them when he got them pregnant, Why would he treat you any differently? Always have your own set of friends separate from his. Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you. If something bothers you, speak up. Never let a man know everything. He will use it against you later.

You cannot change a man's behavior.

Change comes from within. Don't EVER make him feel he is more important than you are...even if he has more education or in a better job. Do not make him into a quasi-god. He is a man, nothing more nothing less. Never let a man define who you are. Never borrow someone else's man. Oh Lord!? If he cheated with you, he'll cheat on you. A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you.


You should not be the one doing all the bending...compromise is a two-way street. You need time to heal between relationships...................there is nothing cute about baggage... deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship. You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you...a relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals...look for someone complimentary...not supplementary. Dating is fun...even if he doesn't turn out to be Mr.. Right. Make him miss you sometimes...when a man always know where you are, and your always readily available to him- he takes it for granted. Don't fully commit to a man who doesn't give you everything that you need. Keep him in your radar but get to know others.

Share this with other ladies and men as well..... You'll make someone SMILE, another RETHINK their choices, and another PREPARE. They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them and an entire lifetime to forget them.


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Men are DOGS...Women are CATS


The need for women in society is vital. They are suppose to be the childbearers and affectionate caregivers. However, some women are not suited for this position, especially the younger generation of women , who are more focused on partying, careers and of course, MONEY! I am not saying that these things are not important in life, but thee should be some limit to some of these things. Dr. J. Lewis, my 6th Form Literatures in English teacher once gave a scenario in class explaining why women should always find a man first and then acomplish these things. He stated when the young girls go to Univesity it is necessary you find a man and a good one.

"They are some women who come through Secondary School saying, they will get a man later. They go to College or Sixth Form saying, they will get a man at University. They go to University and decide they want good grades so they will get a man when they have completed their bachelors degree. At the end of the Bachelors along with it they get honours and decide they will do a Masters and put the man on hold for another 18 months. When they have completed the Masters they decided they want to get a career which pays them some good money and which they are successful in. By the time they ave done all that they then realise they need a man, but the problem is they have past 40 years old, look old and are infertile so the man they are looking for is not looking for them."

Even though it may be true that women can survive without sex, I am assuring you they cannot survive without a man. People always say behind every great man there is an even better woman, but I think that we have taken it out of context. My interpretation of this is, "Behind every great man there is some woman who wants to take control so she is behind him pushing him until he falls." That is how women are, they always want control of the situation. Paul Forte once said to me in a conversation that women always like being in control but they do not like men who they cannot control and that is why I Danny S.A. Babb has problems when it comes to women, this is because I allow no woman to take control of me. What is even more intriguing is that when I am in a relationship, women enjoy me more for the fact that I do not allow them to take control, rather I regulate the amount of control they may have at any given point in time. People may think that I am being harsh but I am following the Bible as it speaks in Ephesians 5 vs 23-24, "For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church...therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything."

To reiterate my point that Women need Men, draw reference to the fact that women often say that men are better friends. Additionally, some women even say, "women are the worst friends you can have as best friends." This proves itself as women are always in competition with one another, and they are unable keep secrets. Men on the other hand are the better listeners and they always have the best advice.

Finally, Women need men because as was said by A.K. Layne, "Men are the best at everything they do...if you go to a male hairdresser named Enrique, no woman can do your hair better than that...if a man goes to the supermarket and buy the groceries they family will eat healthy for that entire month, furthermore they will lack for nothing."

Therefore as we can clearly see WOMEN NEED MEN!!!

Men are DOGS...Women are CATS


To describe or understand a woman is one of the most strenuous task that men have had since the begnning of time. The reason for this is because women are known to have these frequent mood swings, which places men in a predicament when trying to please them. Additionally, women have this facetious nature about them, which makes men misunderstand there position on a situation.

In all honesty, how can I as a man please a woman, when in truth women do not even know what they want for themselves. For instance, when a man asks a woman what she would like for her birthday, most women respond with these two answers; "Nothing!" or "Anything, it doesn't matter!" which is generally not true. However, I being the man I am will get you nothing for your birthday if that is what you would like. Additionally, if you want anything, I again being the understanding man I am, will buy exactly what you want, ANYTHING. However, for men like me this creates a problem as you never want 'nothing' or 'anything' in the first place. This behaviour then fosters problems in the relationship, as it relates to communication, which was caused by the woman in the first place but the man again has to bear the blame. This indeciveness and inability to be understood is summed up in a story told to me by Paul Forte.

"A man once found a bottle with a genie in it. Being curious he opened the bottle and out came the genie who thanked the man for releasing him and told him he will grant him 3 wishes. For the first wish the man asked for wealth and it was granted. For the second he asked for a nice fast car and it as granted. Thirdly, he asked for a highway stretching from one end of the United States to the next; to this the genie was a bit taken back and began to ask the man if he knew how much concrete and steel it would take, allowing him to know the world does not have that much steel. So the genie told the man make another wish, at this the men asked the genie to explain women. The genie in his all powerful voice replied, "How many lanes do you want on that highway 2 or 4?"

This clearly shows that women are hard to explain.

However, while listening to a priest a few years back, I remember during his sermon he said, "God made the earth and heavens, the seas and skies, the birds and beasts and man in six days and rested on the seventh day knowing all was good. Then he decided to make woman and since then he has never rested again."

Additionally, the Bible again confirms it in the book of Proverbs, which was written by Solomon a man who had 700 wives and princesses and 300 concubines. In Chapter 21 vs 9, "It is better to dwell in a corner of the house top, than with a brawling woman in a wide house." and again in verse 19, "It is better to dwell in the wilderness than with a contentious and an angry woman." Ladies and gentlemen, Solomon was the wisest man who has ever lived on this earth, I am sure that he too had the same problems most men have and i have confirmed this as he wrote in Proverbs 31 vs 10-11, " Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil."

In his lifetime, Solomon was unable to find a virtuous woman and I am tempted to say they are none but that would be unfair to those women who are truly virtuous and I have met one or two or even three but no more than that.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008



Men are DOGS...Women are CATS!!

How often do we hear it, "Men are dogs!" Yes, it seems like everyday to me and I am sure to say the same for you, when most women, most places across the world make it their business to call a man a "dog" because of some incident that was caused by the woman in the first instance. People often see this as a true statement, especially women as they always try their best to justify such statements. One of their arguments is that "men are dogs because they run after everything they see." This statement is used to describe a man who is promiscuous and somewhat fickle, or in the good bajan vernacular, "a village ram."
Another statement used is, "men are dogs because they don't support their children." Even though this statement may seem straight-forward, we must understand that this cannot be used in an argument as it will cause some degree of confusion. Firstly, "support" here is being used loosely as the word defined in the Oxford Dictionary doesn't only refer to financial ASSISTANCE but also refers to encouragement, help and approving of to name a few. Secondly, as it relates to men not supporting their children financially, it is because some women use that maintenance fund to accessorize themselves instead of putting it to good use. Thirdly, they are women who do not allow fathers within this country to see their child but still want them to maintain them financially.
I recall a case where a father was not allowed to see his child for 6 years because the mother felt like it; but he was still ordered by the court to pay a maintenance fee every month. Luckily, after a while the girl decided that she wanted to see her father and asked him to take full custody of her when she reached the age where she could make that decision. This however, is not the case for all men as some of them never see the child even after the child has grown and mature enough to make adult decisions, because of some deceitful women.
But is there something wrong with calling a man a dog? No! I agree that men are dogs. Why do I agree? Men are dogs because they are the protectors and the providers. They are the ones we turn to in time of need and help. Yes, ALL MEN ARE DOGS!!

If men are dogs, I then say women are cats. Some women in my opinion are the most deceitful, fictitious creature that God placed on the face of the earth. By now, half of them are cursing me and calling me more nasty names than ever. In 30 minutes, my name will be on their tongues and taken to work for a proper roasting. But I say STOP!! Why? Because my definition is true and you yourself know that, that is why you have become so offended. Women are like cats because of there feline like behaviour always hissing and scratching at things which more often than not do not concern them. Women have this tendency to find fault with everything and this is in relation to a cat who can find a loose thread on a piece of garment.
There is more I can say about women but it will only cause more arguments than necessary, especially among those whose corns have been mashed by my statements. However, as the book continues you will become more knowledgeable about Men and Women.

In conclusion, let me make it simple Men are Dogs because men like dogs when they do shit it is in the open for eveyone to see; however women are like cats because women like cats when they do shit always try to cover it up especially in places men have to get their hands dirty!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008


The Male Brain, Explained

Women have puzzled over it for years—why the heck do men do the things they do? Why do they profess their love for you one minute, then ignore you the next (say, when an Attila the Hun special turns up on TV)? Why can they not remember our birthdays? Let science explain some of these conundrums—and help you rev up your relationships!Be patient with his memoryThe hippocampus, where initial memories are formed, occupies a smaller percent of the male brain than the female brain. If on your first date he can't remember where you work, even though you told him all about it when you met, just remember that size matters … hippocampus size, that is. Don't take it personally. (Oh, and don't be surprised when, months down the line, he has no clue you've just changed your hair.)

Don't expect him to get hints

Have a crush on him? You may have to put it out there, because men aren't as skilled at women at reading subtle emotional cues. As Dr. Larry Cahill of the University of California at Irvine puts it, "We have been assuming that the ways in which emotions are organized in the brain are essentially similar in men and women," but they aren't. Parts of the limbic cortex, which is involved in emotional responses, are smaller in men than in women. Additionally, scientists at McMaster University have found that guys have a smaller density of neurons in areas of the temporal lobe that deal with language processing. That's why it's probably a good idea to tell him straight-up how you're feeling ("I'm kind of hurt that you forgot I hate sushi"). Expecting him to infer from your hints could leave both of you scratching your heads.

Don't take conversation lulls personally

Fact is, guys in general just aren't as verbally adept as women are. Large parts of the cortex — the brain's outer layer that does a big part of recognizing and using subtle language cues — are thinner in men than they are in women. A study led by Dr. Godfrey Pearlson of Johns Hopkins University has shown that two areas in the frontal and temporal lobes that play an important role in language processing are significantly smaller in men. Using MRIs, the Johns Hopkins scientists measured gray matter volumes in several brain regions in 17 females and 43 males. Women had 23 percent more volume than men in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and 13 percent more volume than men in the superior temporal cortex. "Women," explains Dr. Cahill, "excel in being able to come up with appropriate words, given cues." Men — not so much. Don't expect him to chatter with you on dates with the skill of a girlfriend, and don't assume he's not interested in you if he occasionally lets the conversation lapse. Think of it this way: He's simply basking in moments of quiet companionship.

Appreciate his naturally upbeat nature

Does he seem to be "up" most of the time? It's not your imagination: Male brains produce 52 percent more serotonin (the chemical that influences mood) than female brains, according to a study done at McGill University. And studies show that fewer men than women suffer from depression. Guys may also have an easier time rolling with life's big stresses. If he tells you he recently lost his golden lab or suffered a job loss and doesn't get all teary, it doesn't mean he's heartless; rather, he has healthy stores of serotonin.

Don't expect his take on your relationship history to match yours

He may be incapable of seeing your shared past the way you do. Brain images have started to show that men and women use their brains in vastly different ways. For example, women use the left part of the amygdala — the part of the brain that creates emotional reactions to events — to put memories in order by emotional strength, meaning that something emotionally important to them (like a great first date a couple of months ago) will be ordered in front of what they ate for breakfast yesterday. Men, however, use the right part of the amygdala to put memories in order. Traditionally, the right hemisphere of the brain is associated with the central action of an event, while the left hemisphere is associated with finer details. Translation: You'll both remember your first date, but he might not remember the color of your sweater or the light rain that was falling that night. It doesn't mean he was checked out; it just means he's a guy.

Remember his brain is his largest sex organ

In males of several species including humans, the preoptic area of the hypothalamus is greater in volume, in cross-sectional area and in the number of cells. In men, this area is more than two times larger than in women, and it contains twice as many cells. And what, say you, does this have to do with the horizontal mambo? Plenty. This area of the hypothalamus is in charge of mating behavior.

This small structure connects to the pituitary gland, which releases sex hormones. So if your boyfriend wants to get intimate all the time and you feel like Ms. Low Desire, remember: You're just experiencing normal, brain-based differences.

Adapted from Llewellyn Griffith's notes

Monday, July 21, 2008



For those who are lovers of Soca like myself, you would have made the trek to Farley Hill, on July 20th for the greatest Soca event (in my opinion)....SOCA ON DE HILL!!

Even though I still hold this event in highest esteem as i pertains to soca, I believe that there is a need to limit your international acts or better yet choose them wisely. While on "de hill" I realised that the international acts were given almost 45 minutes, while our local acts were given between 2 to 15 minutes. This was a bit disappointing in some cases as some of the international acts namely Shadow did not perform to my expectation. During Shadow's performance persons became bored and restless, which should not be so at an event such as SOCA ON DE HILL, where persons like myself were there to enjoy 8 and a half hours of solid Soca.
Additionally, it is a SOCA event and therefore no other genre of music should be sang, played or even thought about. It was with displeasure that I had to listen to Sherwayne Wynchester as he sang dub songs from Jamaica and tried to supplement it with the playing o Rihanna's "Please don't stop the music". In my opinion, none of it should have been sung or played as I found it to be out of place at the greatest SOCA event in the world. Even though he is a great singer, I believe he should know what is said in Ecclesiastes 3:1, "To ever thing there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven." And SOCA ON DE HILL was certainly not the time or place for Dub or Rihanna. The same thing goes for Versitile/Verseewild, thoseongs he has are not Soca/Calypso and he had no right being at that or any event which involves the singing of Soca music.
Similarly, I must also comment on the altercation which occurred. I think it is very stupid when you come out to enjoy yourself and as Mac Fingall said "2 jackasses would want to spoil the entire show by fighting." When you are in a crowd, you have to get touch if you don't want to get touch STAY HOME!! I was pushed, my foot was used as a 'mat' and persons were hitting me non-stop but that would not lead me to fight because I know that it was not purposely done. However, kudos must be given to the Royal Barbados Police Force who quickly intervened and escorted the guilty away from the crowd. But let me not dwell on the bad let me get to the good stuff.


And wuk-up it was indeed for 98% of the patrons at this event. The other 2 % who didn't wuk-up were either working (RBPF) or they were drunk. The Mighty Gabby, not being his usual really up-tempo self still had the crowd moving as he sang his hits especially 'Jack.' Grynner was of course in his natural state as he had juks and wuks can't done, which was to the crowd's delight. David Rudder really got me in the mood as he sang High Mas. As the evening progressed I was highly impressed with the performances and the DJs alike namely Jon Doe and Alvin Toppin (Soca Superman), who made everyone in the party move.

As Krosfyah featuring Adrian Dutchin came on stage I was highly pleased as they pulled the energy from an already tired crowd. Khiomal in particular, who I am backing to win the Party Monarch title was full of energy as he unleashed the beast. Edwin Yearwood alias 'The General' was just as his name suggest The General and by this I mean he made the crowd wuk up extensively to handle yuh business. Even though I may be a bit bias toward Krosfyah as I am one of their biggest fans, persons will agree with me that they were indeed the best performance for the night and they had a full crowd response...even the drunk and the police were moving. This is what Soca events in Barbados need, bands such as Krosfyah and we do need a return of the big band Square One. However, I believe that Krosfyah has many more years left as Khiomal is certainly in a good position to becoming the unofficial "General". Another good thing about Krosfyah is that they sing their own songs, which is a downfall of many of today's bands they are not singing their own songs but I will leave this discussion for another blog post.
As the evening wind down, Hypa Dawg and the Underdawg were the next best in my opinion as they two had the crowd going from the time they came on until they left. I am still at a loss why Underdawg did not make it to the Party Monarch down in "the valley". Underdawg truly is a protege' of his father Hypa Dawg.

Finally, I would say that SOCA ON DE HILL was indeed great as I never felt so energized while listening to Soca as I did. But for all this I must thank Cindy (my wuk-up partner), Dwayne (my best friend), Socks (the drinks man...even though i aint get none), Michelle (my "mother"), Paula (my "sister"), Kirt (my "brother"), Takima, Shana, Shamreca, the girl i was dancing wid at some points, Kerry, Tameisha, Kameisha, Maurice, Karen and the 2 girls who decided to put me in the middle of their wuk-up sandwich. I look forawrd to next year God spare life, with nuff action and plenty satisfaction!!!


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Touch the World

I will pass through this life only once.
I will pass through this day only once.
I will pass through this hour only once.
I will pass through this moment only once.

Any good that I may do, should do now. I cannot wait for the right opportunities and expect to be all I should be.

I must seize the moment, take advantage of the life given to me and give only my best.

I must prepare for the worst and expect the best.

I am only one, but I am one, and my thoughts, words and actions affect myself and others. These must be pure and positive.

When I am discouraged, I will seek strength from God, who is my inspiration. nature is filled with his signature. I can be filled with his love.

I will give thanks for the many blessings I have, seeking ways to bless others.

I will think good thoughts, for my thoughts are what direct my actions.

I will speak good words and do only good deeds, for this is how others will know me.

I will seek every opportunty to act positively for others.

I will live a life disciplined spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally; for this is how I grow.

As I grow, my life will become increasingly more effective for others and for myself.

I will touch the world- each moment, hour, day of my precious life- and this will be good!

I will touch the world!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Team ACTION Parliamentary Assembly

In 2005, Team ACTION Parliamentary Assembly was started, with meetings being held at the YMCA- Young Men's Christian Association. Since then TAPA as it is known has grown to a membership of over 45 in Barbados, and has since moved on to the region to create an Assembly in St. Lucia with a membership of 20 and growing. With CSME making the way clear for the creation of networking among Caribbean coutries, TAPA is now seeking to create an Assembly in Tobago by year-end.
Team ACTION Parliamentary Assembly (TAPA), has assisted in the development some of the best youth debaters in this island, such as Andre K. Layne, Kyle Prescod, Rosette Moore, Shane Austin and Danny Babb to name a few. During our meetings, we debate issues not only affecting the youth but the country as a whole as we seek to give a voice to the nation's youth. TAPA has also facilitated National Debates among the Secondary Schools of Barbados.
Team ACTION Parliamentary Assembly meets at Harrison College every Friday evening between the hours of 4:30pm & 6:30pm. All are invited as we follow our motto: Developing Minds, Sustaining Growth!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Firstly, let me welcome you all to my blog. I am Danny S.A. Babb, and I created this blog as my place of expression...whether through poems, speeches, quotes, songs. I will also be posting some very controversial views on some topics persons are afraid to touch.

Thank you for viewing this blog, and I look forward to seeing you visit again. Please rate this blog if you wish!